18/01/73 Avyakt BapDada Revised: 09/05/94
Have you become the ones who stay in their stage of self respect, the spinners of the discus of self realisation, and humble, the same as BapDada? The more you become similar to BapDada in the inculcation of these special aspects,the closer you bring the time. How much time is left in order to recognise the time? To have the recognition of this isto have a similar stage in your dharna. Now, tell Baba how close the time is. If you are close to being similar, thenyou are also close to the time. Within this programme, you have been given time to recognise your own self and torecognise the time through your own self. In this special month, you have to place two special things in front of youas being of special importance. What are these two things? One is love and the other is to be absorbed in love.
In your actions, words, connections and relations, there has to be love, and in your stage, you have to be absorbed inlove. The lovelier someone is, the more absorbed in love that one can be. People have called this stage of beingabsorbed in love, the stage of actually merging. They have simply caught hold of the expression, "being merged" andexcluded "in the love of the Father". So, in this month, you have to imbibe both these special virtues and becomesimilar to BapDada. The main speciality of BapDada, which made all of you special, which made you forgeteverything else and made you soul conscious, is this love and being absorbed in this love.
In one second, love made you aware of everything that you had forgotten over five thousand years. It brought youinto all relationships with the One and made you into a complete renunciate. Since with just one speciality Babamade you belong to Him in one second, have all of you also imbibed this one speciality and become similar to theFather? Since you never saw this speciality as a percentage in sakar Baba, you only saw him as being perfect in this,so too, you special souls, the souls who became similar to the Father, should also be perfect in this. There should notbe a percentage in this main speciality. You have to become perfect because it is through this that you will be able toopen up the fortune and luck of other souls. What is the key to the lock on luck? Love; love is the key to the lock.This is the master key which can make any unfortunate soul into a fortunate soul. Have you experienced this?
The more love you develop for BapDada, the more the lock on the intellect opens. If there is less love, then the luckis also less. So, do you have the key to open the lock on the luck of all souls? You do not sometimes lose this key, doyou? Or, does Maya, in her different forms and colours, steal this key from you? Maya also has her vision on thiskey. Therefore, constantly keep this key with you. There is love for many things. If you have love for other things,then love for the Father becomes a percentage. If there is a feeling of ownership with your own body or with any ofyour belongings, then understand that there is a percentage in your love. To finish this consciousness of "mine"means to become similar to the Father. Where there is the consciousness of "mine", BapDada is not constantly with you.
Those who have love to a percentage can never become perfect. Those with a percentage, that is, those with a defect,can never become perfect. Therefore, in this year, finish the percentage and become perfect. Then, this year willbring about the shower of destruction. You are being given one year so that you then do not complain that you didnot know. One year is instrumental to create an elevated reward for many years. Become a checker and check yourown self. Make yourself perfect in this one main aspect, and then all the different types of defects will automaticallyfinish. So, this effort is easy, is it not? If you remain absorbed in the love of the Father, then you are easily able tomake others similar to the self and similar to the Father.
So, this year, you have to continue to move along whilst considering this year to be the year to become similar to theFather. So, according to the drama, BapDada is also instrumental to give such children the blessing of "tattwam youare the same". The speciality of this year is to become similar to the Father and bring the time close. You have tobring about the speciality of the time within yourself. Achcha.
To such children who are similar to the Father; those who are constantly lovely and remain absorbed in love; to theones who are humble and constantly engaged in the task of construction; to those who bring about the speciality ofthe time within themselves; to the souls who constantly remain stabilised in their elevated stage of selfrespect; to theelevated and equal souls, BapDada's love and remembrances.
Personal group meetings with BapDada on 10th January, 1994
Group 1: To attain the practical, instant fruit is the greatest speciality of the confluence age.
Do you consider yourselves to be the Brahmin souls of the confluence age? You know the praise of the confluenceage very well, do you not? What is the greatest speciality of the confluence age? Only at the confluence age does themeeting of the children with the Father, the souls with the Supreme Soul, take place. At this time, at the confluenceage, the meeting between the Father and the children takes place, which people have then portrayed as a meeting ofrivers. So what have they copied? They have copied your meeting at this time, have they not? What other specialitydoes the confluence age have which no other age has? The best speciality of all is that it is only at the confluence agethat you receive the practical, instant fruit. In satyug, you receive the fruit of actions performed at the confluence age,whereas here, you receive the inheritance as soon as you belong to the Father. Together with that, as soon as you doservice, you also experience happiness. Whatever service you do and whatever actions you perform in remembrance,you continue to experience the practical fruit of those actions. If you are performing actions and doing service andyet are not able to experience the practical, instant fruit of that, then check: Why am I not receiving the fruit? If thereare any selfish motives in the actions you perform or in the service you do, there will not be any practical, instantfruit. However, when you perform actions in a yogyukt stage or do service in a yogyukt way, then you definitelyhave the experience of supersensuous joy and of being doublelight and also one or another of the Father's virtues.So, you are those who eat the practical, instant fruit, are you not? Do you eat this? What would be the experience ofthose who eat the practical, instant fruit? Their mind and intellect would always be healthy. If you are weak, thenunderstand that you are not eating fresh, nourishing fruit. Why do people eat fresh fruit? They eat it for their health.Similarly, for the soul, it is this practical, instant fruit that keeps it healthy. This is why you have the slogan: Everhealthy, everwealthy and everhappy. You are also everwealthy, are you not? How many treasures have youreceived? The treasures of knowledge, the treasures of powers, the treasures of virtues, the treasure of time: you haveall these treasures, do you not? Or, do you have some and not others? You have so many treasures that you also giveto others. You are the great donors, are you not? Do you give everyday or only sometimes? You are constantly greatdonors. Whether you give through your thoughts, through your words or even through your connections andrelations, you must definitely give. This is definite, is it not? Or, will you only give when you have an opportunity todo so? What do you think? You are constant donors, are you not? You are those who follow the Father, are you not? It is easy to follow the one you love. So, how much love do you have for the Father? (Unlimited). The treasures areunlimited and service is also unlimited. It is unlimited, is it not? There are no limits, are there? Let there constantlybe unlimited happiness, unlimited intoxication and unlimited attainment.
What newness will the double foreigners bring? (We will claim the first number in our effort.) You will claim thefirst number, but what will you do? At your own places, wherever you have come from, at your service places inyour own country, make the atmosphere so powerful that everyone remains unshakeable, so that no one comes intoany type of fluctuation. Can you do this? This year, not a single Brahmin should fluctuate at all. Create such anatmosphere. This is what Baba will see in this year. Of course, you yourself have to become free from obstacles, butyou also have to make others this. Do you have this courage?
Group 2: If you wish to become an angel, finish the burden of the consciousness of "mine" and be loved by all.
Do you constantly experience yourself to be doublelight, that is, an angelic soul? To be doublelight means that thesoul is light and the angelic form of the soul is that of light. Even whilst performing actions, perform them in theangelic stage. Are all of you angels, or are you householders? You do not have any burden of your children, do you?Have you given all your burdens to the Father? Or, do you still consider some things to be yours? It isn't that yousay: "They are my grandchildren, the house is mine, but I belong to Baba". You are the true emperors who do nothave even a shell. You do not have even one shell, and yet you are emperors. Do you consider yourself to be this?Since even the body does not belong to me, then the companions of the body, the possessions of the body, and thebodily relations, the body, mind and wealth, all belong to You. It is not that the mind belongs to You and the wealthbelongs to me, is it? You do have yoga, but you also have to keep some money. There should not be the slightestconsciousness of "mine". The consciousness of "mine" is a burden and a burden brings you down; it does not allowyou to become an angel. If there is any consciousness of "mine", that is, any feeling of my sanskars, my nature, myfeelings, then there is a burden, and those with a burden cannot fly; they cannot become angels. So, are you angels, oris there one or another burden still remaining? Have you kept something hidden away for a time when you mightneed it? By saying "mine, mine", all the time, you had become dirty, and now, whilst saying, "It all belongs to You",you have become clean. To be an angel means there shouldn't be the slightest trace of the consciousness of "mine".If there is any awareness of "mine" even in thoughts, then understand that you have become dirty. When anythingaccumulates dirt on itself, then it creates a burden. So too, the consciousness of "mine" means dirtiness. You areangels, and so you do not have any connection with the old world. You have a connection for the sake of service, butyou have no relations. You come into connection with others for the sake of service. You are not doing service ashouseholders, but you are serving as servers. Are you such servers? Do you consider that place to be a service placeor your home? Do you constantly move along according to the disciplines of the service place or as householders?The discipline of considering it to be a service place is to be detached and loved by the Father. There should not bethe slightest influence of the consciousness of "mine". There may be the fire there, but you should not feel the heat ofit, because you have all the facilities. If firemen were to burn themselves, people would laugh at them. Similarly, ifthere is the fire of the circumstances in the atmosphere, that should not influence you, that is, you should not feel anypressure from them. It should not be that you are fine when there are no such circumstances, but that when any suchcircumstance does arise, you feel the heat of it.
You are such angels, are you not? Angels are loved so much. If people see an angel even in their dreams, theybecome so happy. An angelic life means a constantly loving life. Baba is the most loved of all, and so the childrenare also always loved the most by all. Not just to be loved by your children and grandchildren, not just loved by thelimited, but loved by the unlimited. All souls are part of your family; it is not just a family of ten or twelve. How bigis your family? Unlimited; so you are loved by all. No matter what type of soul someone is, you love them all.
It is not that you only love those who love you. You have love for everyone.
It is not that you do not have love for those who argue or say something to you. No, you have love for everyone. Allof you insulted the Father so much from the copper age onwards, but even then, did the Father love you or havedislike for you? He still loved you, did He not? Follow the Father in the same way. No matter what other souls arelike, your vision and your feelings should be of love. This is known as having love for all. It should not be that youhave love for twelve and not for one. You should have love for all. Is it like this, or do you sometimes feelsomething negative for certain souls? When others insult you or dislike you, do you feel love for them or dislike?No, they are souls under another influence. To have love for all means to be an angel. If you have love only forsome, then you are not an angel.
Now, think about it and tell Baba who you are. What would the mothers say? The motherinlaw is very bad, thesisterinlaw is very bad. No, you should have love for all. There should not be any other feeling for anyone. Nomatter what they say, your feelings should always be pure. This one should also benefit. To have feelings ofbenevolence for everyone is known as being an angel. The destination is high. Or is it easy? So, do you also havesuch an elevated stage? Because, if you are not angels, how can you become deities? You will go into the deityworld, but you will not be able to claim that status. You will be called a deity, but what status will you have? If,from the same college, one student becomes something important, like an engineer or a doctor, and another onebecomes a shoe cleaner, would it seem right? Of course, you will go into satyug, but you also have to think aboutwhat status you will claim. Do you wish to claim a high status, or are you content with whatever you receive? Themeans to claim a high status is to become an angel. So, you understood the definition of an angel, did you not?
All of you now belong to the Father. To belong to the Father means to become like the Father. Just as Brahma Bababecame an angel, follow the father in the same way. Achcha.
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